It is July month of 2022. Another 1 more month for me to turn 30! Age is a number but to me, every year we grow older and a lot of things happen around us every month. I decided to write this post because it is time for me to write that I am officially divorced at the age of 28. Please don't ask me about my ex husband anymore as I already got my new life, Ever since after I did date a guy yet I had wasted another year of mine. Now I am writing here, I also feel myself so stupid that I have been cried so many times and I made myself no value seriously. Honestly, after I had wasted 11 years for these 2 guys in my life, I just felt that I am not deserved to be loved by someone anymore. I decided to build up myself by joining insurance line. It was unfortunate that I didn't manage to continue it. But I have learnt a lot from 2 inspiring people even though it is quite hurt when I left. What I learnt that what is self-love? At the first place, I really don't understand what is self-love, I thought buying things that we love called self-love. Well, the real meaning of self-love is knowing your own value. I would like to say thank you to a big age gap person and a big brother to me. He sent me a video to teach me what is self-love and I really got the meaning of self-love. Furthermore, I am Christian now. I decided to convert from Buddhist to Christian as I really want to find peace in my life. Ever since I lost my beloved mummy, I couldn't find peace in my life anymore. After I met up with a Pastor in a business Zoom talk, he introduced his wife Esther to me. Till now, I am very grateful that I met up with both of them who help me to go through the pain that I have gone through since I was 21 till I am divorced. It has so many years that I have kept everything inside my heart. I would like to say I love you both very much, Pastor Kevin and Esther sister. Sounds good right? Please bear in mind, doesn't mean that we convert to Christian, our life will become good. The answer is NO. The answer is I FOUND PEACE ✌ I met up with a lot of people in the same church group. That's what I am always grateful to both of them.

This is me and Esther sister. We met up on November 2021 💗.
This is the 1st time that I met up with my church friends that Esther sister introduced them to me
I am glad to know all of you!
This is my church friends with Esther sister at her house 💗.
On the same month of July but it was last year 2021, something happened on me. I had a very bad pelvic pain until I have to go hospital. It has been a year that I have to go through this pain so much. Sometimes it is bearable, sometimes I really couldn't stand until I feel want to die and faint. Last month (June 2022), doctor had diagnosed me that I have chronic period pain. It means I need to endure the pain throughout before and during my period. I have to take painkillers everyday that I couldn't stand the pain. What I had learnt is life's short and fragile. Things that we cannot control, it will happens on us. The only way for us to live on is to think positive and stay strong. Sounds bad? Yes it is but I never blame on Jesus because it might be because of the vaccination that I have to inject into my body or it already accumulate till it happens on me. What I can do is listen to the church song -
MAKE ROOM and it will makes me calm down a bit and distract my pain for a while.

On same month of July, I am friends with this 38 lady here for 3 years. Without her, I am not able to go through the pain after I broke up with my ex for 1 year. I am very appreciate her so much. We have been staying together for 2 years and that's how we build our friendship up. In our life, there are many ups and downs and same goes to friendship and relationship. It is depending on our mindset how we see things, how we handle things together. We love to selfie, shopping, cooking, baking and many more of our common interest within our friendship. I am glad to know you, Sin Yee & I am really wish you that you're able to deserve to be loved by someone okay? Don't be scared about it. When your MR RIGHT comes, you must always grab the chance 😁. Remember that knowing your own value is the LOVE that you must know.

On same month of July, I moved out to my sister's house. What I learnt is to compromise with my sister and my brother in law. I learnt many things from them in my life. I am sorry ah jie that I might be not good sister to you but I am always love you ah jie 💓. I would like to say thank you very much for prepared lunch and dinner everyday and allows me to build relationship with these 2 daughters that you had. From I don't like kids, I started love kids very much. I never thought that I would be patience towards them. I really love them very much especially Yuan, the super cheeky niece ever. Hahaha! I never expect that I can handle kids for seriously. I wish to build my own family with Mr RCKH soon. I know if you're reading this, you will feel touched is it? Hahaha. I also would like to say that I am sorry if I did hurt you, make you sad, make you disappointed of me. Always remember that you have my back if you need someone to talk to. Don't always keep everything inside your heart. Must share out with jiefu okay? Once again, I LOVE YOU AH JIE 💋.
On same month of July, I knew this sister named Ruby C. It has been 1 year friendversary with her already. I am glad to know you sis. We shared same fate but she shows me that we as ladies can do what men can do too. She always advices me, listen to my happiness and sadness. Even though we are ex-colleague but we still friends and sisters. She is super strong lady and I am inspired by her. I love you Kakak Ruby C so much 💗.
The next topic is about my relationship. To be honest, I said that I don't deserved to be loved by someone but I never thought that Jesus had arranged someone for me to know this guy. We fallen in love each other since last year (our secret date) to be known here. I never thought that he could accept my past and love me for who am I. I never expect that he will introduce his family and even his mum's side too. I never thought his family will love me too. Yet, he really show me what is LOVE? Till now, I still feel that I don't deserved to be loved by him but he really loves me with all of his heart. I am very happy and touched that he really loves me when I am in good times and bad times. I am loved by him, his family especially his mum. As I have gone through the past in so many pains, I never thought I would have mummy's love. His family treated me very good like the way he treats me too. I really very grateful to Jesus for arranging this guy and his family that treated me very good. I can see that during I was so sick time, thanks for the love and pamper me with great foods. I am really appreciate it very much. Well, after dating with him, my sister got to know that I have boyfriend already as he came and picked me up everytime for outing as that time I was staying with my sister 😅. My sister teased me that is he drove Toyota Vios red colour ah? I was like OMG!! That one is Grabcar. Then, grandmother stories come out. She went and report to our daddy that I got boyfriend already. Memang cepat betul like 💨💨 car. Ever since he brought me go and meet his family and his mum's side (aunties, uncles, cousins and nieces), I decided to bring him back home to meet my daddy in Penang island. Well, we managed to do it on 25th - 27th June 2022 💓. Let's me share some pictures here 💋.

This is us during our 2nd date in Pavilion 💞
This photo is the trip that he brought me to visit Port Dickson with his best buddies : Leto, Anthony and Kamal 💗
Well, he did proposed me to be his girlfriend in front of his best buddies too 😊
I never expect that his mummy would ask selfie with me. She is really super best mummy ever.
Anything also can do, I am so glad that she is so open-minded mummy 😁
This is the trip he brought me with his family to JB Desaru. We really had great time with great conversation and fun 💖.
This is my family with my baby in Penang 💓. *miss out my bro & his family*
I am glad to know you baby RCKH! I am looking forward more trips and our future together.
Thank you for loving me very much 💋.
I think that's enough for today. You may always stalk me on my IG : miss.jasjas 😂.
Thank you for reading part of my life! 💟
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