Dear babes and dudes, how are you today? I would like to write a blog-post which it is very important to me and my dear bloggie. I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my dear friend Meena Suba ( for nominated my blog for Liebster Blog Award. Please do read her blog to know more about her and be friends with her. Once again, I am very very appreciate it and let's we improve our blog together and be successful bloggers!
Liebster Blog Award
1. Thank the person who has nominated you and post a link to their blog
2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself given by the blogger who has nominated you
4. Provide 10 random facts about yourself
5. Nominate 8-10 blogs with less that 300 followers that you
feel they deserve the Liebster Award
6. Create a new sets of Questions for your nominees to answer
7. Post the rules on your blog
8. Tag your nominees so they know that they are receiving the award from you !!
1. How do you see yourself, 10 years down the road?
I seriously don't know about it but I will make sure that I can earn money by myself and no need to depend on my dad and siblings. And also be a successful blogger and entrepreneur and travel to UK soon
2. Who or what inspired you to start a blog?
Right now, I started to blog when I was 14 years old but then I deleted it when I lost my beloved mummy. After that, I was reading my friends' blog named Anerly Fang and Fione Ooi. Their blog-post inspired me to start blogging again. I would like to say thank you so much both of you!
3. If you can go back in time & change a particular day, which day will it be and why?
This question is so deep! I would like to change 3 dates but then no matter what, it never turns back!
4. What do you think about my blog?
It is too simple and if can, change your fonts to Arial and Normal. About those things on your right bar, you can customized it to become better. That is my honest answer from me to you babe Meena
5. What's the most exciting blogger event that you went to and why?
Honestly, I never attend blogger event before. I hope I can attend those events that organized by Butterfly Project if I am in KL or any companies may sponsor me any events for me to attend. This is one of my wish and goal to become a successful blogger
6. If you could live in any home on a television series / cartoon series, what would it be?
I chose cartoon series and it would be Aladdin because the girl named Jasmine which it is my name too. I love the way she sings and especially the magic carpet and how I wish there is magic carpet exist so that I can buzz off from here LOL
7. If you can travel anywhere, where will it be?
Firstly, I would like to travel around United Kingdom because I love this country so much due to my dressing and reactions about it. Not forgotten, I want to travel around the world before I die if I got the capability
8. Are you a good dancer or tried dancing before?
I used to break-dance before when I was 14 years old with my group of friends. We got separated as something happened on our friendship. What I hope is can go clubbing with my good friends one day and dance dance dance
9. You have a fear of ?!
I fear of lizards, cockroaches, mosquitoes (it bites me everywhere on my legs), heights (blame my boyfriend for forced me on a ride in Berjaya Times Square), feel pain on my part of body, hurts and etc
10. What is your favourite quote of all time?
a) Never give up
b) Actions speak louder than words
1. I want to be a successful blogger one day
2. I want to travel around UK to see Paris Tower, UK Telephone Booth and etc
3. I want to have a dog (Golden Retriever or Poodle) when I got my own house
4. I want to earn a lot of money for me to survive in my life
5. I love singing a lot
6. I hate myself sometimes
7. I am a person who easily falling in love (seriously hate myself on this)
8. I am a person who super friendly but most of people said I am paranoid
9. I love shopping but at the same time, I hate myself spending money so much
10. I wish to be thinner and slimmer!!
1. Who makes you start blogging? When you started blogging?
2. Do you love my blog? Do you read my blog?
(I want to hear honest answer so that I can improve myself)
3. Have you ever attend bloggers' events before?
4. If I want to meet up with you, would you meet up with me?
5. What are your dreams? List down 5 dreams that you really want to be it happens
6. What are your favourite cafe and tell me why?
7. What are the things that you can't live without?
8. You prefer what types of movies? Horror? Comedy? Cartoon? and tell me why
9. Which colour you love the most? This colour gives you what feeling? Tell me why
10. Do you think our friendship will lasts long if we meet up/hang out and etc?
I am here to pick 9 bloggers which are my friends and even though we haven't meet up before but I hope that our friendship will lasts long and will meet up soon! Let's we together improve and be successful bloggers one day!
Name : Jia Jia
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Nicole Yie
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Jenny Low
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Cheryl aka Wen Nee
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Amber aka Kharn Yee
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Rin
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Carinn Tan
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Rachael Imm
Facebook :
Blog :
Name : Rebecca Wong
Facebook :
Blog :
Lastly, thank you for your reading and
please always support me and my blog!