Saturday, May 23, 2020


Good evening my beloved readers 💓. What is your favourite brand of your stuffs for your private part? To me, Libresse has been my all the time for my private part. When I was young, I keep changing many brands which it makes me uncomfortable, redness and itchy too. After I found the brand which makes me comfortable and no problems, I will keep stuck with it. Well, it is very important to take care of our private part. To be honest, I have recurrent UTI for 12 years. It was really terrible feeling whenever I got UTI. One of the reason I need to wear sanitary pads everyday. I mean EVERYDAY! It is also means whether I come period or not, I still wear sanitary pads. You must wondering that will I feel uncomfortable or not? Well, I don't feel anything after I found Libresse!  

I would like to share my favourite brand for my private part is Libresse® launches the “KNOW YOUR V” Campaign is to offer knowledge and facts about V-Zone health so that more women are informed and empowered about their own bodies and able to take ownership of an important aspect of their own health.

A recent survey conducted by Libresse® revealed that V-Zone knowledge is low among Malaysian women with 69 percent who have mistakenly identified a diagram of a woman’s reproductive system. In addition, 63 percent of respondents have not seen and know what a vulva was. The survey also found that almost four out of ten women feel uncomfortable using the word ‘vagina’ in conversations perpetuating the cultural taboos surrounding V-Zone conversations. These results point to a significant gap in knowledge, which may prevent women from taking the appropriate action when faced with common problems like infections or lead to a delay in identifying symptoms of serious health conditions.

To help increase awareness of V-Zone knowledge, Libresse® has teams up with Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr Patricia Lim Su-Lyn to provide credible information about V-Zone health in a fun and interesting way, lending her medical experience and insights on V-Zone health through the campaign’s ongoing digital and educational initiatives.

To engage with more women and break the ice surrounding V-Zone awareness, the “KNOW YOUR V” Campaign introduces 'The V Game. This first-ever, interactive boardgame will be given away via social media, schools and in-store. Set to trigger V-Zone conversations among women of all ages, participants will role-play in everyday situations that women face, from dealing with their monthly period to talking about V-Zone health. The game guides players and provides solutions that resolve these situations, while offering facts on how women can care for and love themselves, including appropriate care for the delicate V-Zone. In line with this effort to reach as many women as possible, Dr Lim is supportive of the campaign’s effort to educate women so they can be informed and proactive about their V-Zone health. 

“Knowledge is power, and women need to be taught from an early age to take charge of their V-Zone health – nobody else can do this for them. This includes taking note of their monthly period cycle and any irregularities, conducting vaginal self-examinations and seeing a gynae annually for check-ups,” explained Dr Lim. “If it’s part of your own body, you don’t have to feel embarrassed about checking it yourself and have gynaecologists look at your V-Zone. You should know what it looks like when it’s healthy, and notice when something is wrong. It’s also not enough that most women only see a gynaecologist when they get pregnant or have an infection. Health screenings like Pap smears are important to detect possible health problems early.”

They have 5 categories are 
a) Towels 
b) Liners
c) Pants
d) Washes
e) Wipes 

I have these with me to try on

As you can see the above picture, I stocked up a lot when there's promotion at Watsons and Guardian. Many of my friends said I am crazy and can use for 1 year already. Hahahaha. 

Anyone want to play this game with me? 

For more information

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