Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Have you ever want to have your own name cards with good quality and few boxes? This name I really recommend as their quality of the name cards are very good and there are 500 pieces for 5 boxes. How much is it? It is RM 80 and RM 10 for postage, so total is RM 90! It is so worth of your money. 

Print Hello Sailor provides designing, printing, photography, packaging and corporate branding. The owner named Fish (his nickname) was so friendly and understand what I want. For me, my personal stuffs such as name cards and etc I am very fussy on it. He seriously understands me and kept designed for me until I am satisfied of it. Thank you once again, Fish! 

I am happy that I already given one box of 100 pieces to my friends and those who have it. Left another 400 pieces which are 4 boxes to go. Those who want to exchange name cards with me, we can meet up and exchange together. PS : Not everyone can get to exchange name cards with me :) 

I love my name card so so much :) 

And one more thing, I love one of their name cards here! OMG!! This one is so awesome and unique too. Can I do another type of my name card?? :) *greedy missjasjas*

Decide to choose Print Hello Sailor? 
These are their pricing and do contact them for more details 

Fish - 0196656587
Kimie - 0129430311

For more information and photos 

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